You can edit any of the existing users for your company. In this page you will find instrustions on using these pages so that you can change user's details.

In order to follow this instructions you will need to navigate to the User List. Click here for more details.
You will need to be the administrator to perform this task.
1. Editing an User
a. Click on the highlighted button
After clicking it will appear the following screen
Next is to change any of the fields of the user. There are three groups:

I. User Details - In this group you identity the user, give him a password and define his function in the company. The fields are listed bellow

    1. Name
    2. Email
    3. Password
    4. Confirm Password
    5. Telephone Number
    6. User's Role
      1. Administrator
      2. Finance Contact
      3. Management
      4. Officer
      5. On line
      6. Supervisor
    7. Credit Card Option
      1. Credit Card Payment
      2. No Credit Card Payment
      3. Choice Per Transaction

II. Products - Here you can choose which of the existing products the user will be able to sell.

III. Commissions - Here is chosen which commissions rates can be applied by this specific user. Note that this operation is only possible in this option of the application.

2. Update the user data
a. After editing the user data you have to update the data. Click on the highlighted button.