You can setup multiple commissions for your company. Each of your personnel can have a subset of these commissions. In this page you will discover how to set these up.

In order to follow this instructions you will need to navigate to the User List. Click here for more details.
N.B. You will need to be the administrator to perform this task.
1. Entering the commissions setup page
a. Click the the button highlighted.
Once you are in he commissions page it's possible to add new commission, edit an existing commission and delete a commission.
2.Adding a new commission

When you are in commissions page you will see a table similar to the following. (Note as in this example there are two commission rates defined)

There are three fields to fill in:
  1. Alias - Name/Description of the commission rate. Note that if you don't fill in his field the commission will be described with its value (Amount)
  1. Amount - Where you define the value of the rate
  2. Comm Type - Definition of the commission type. You have three types of commissions
  3. Amount - Nominal value of the commission (amount added to the base value)
  4. Percentage - A percentage applied to the base value ( Commission= % x Base Value )
  5. Loading - A percentage applied to the net value ( Commission= Base Value/[(100-%)/ 10] )

For a better understanding lets look at an example. The following the table shows an example where the commission is calculated for each case

Type Comm
Base Value
Amount Comm
Calculating Commission

Calculating Net Value

Net Value
10+ 1
10* (10/ 100)
10+ 1
10/ [ (100- 10)/ 100 ]
10+ 1.111
N.B. Note that the commission value for Loading case is equal to 11.111* (10/ 100) = 1.111
a. Fill in the fields
b. Click in the highlighted button to save the details
3. Editing an existing commission
Editing a commission consists of only editing the fields you want to change.
a. Edit the the fields to change
b. Click the save button to update the database
4.Delete a commission
a. Click the the highlighted button on the commission to delete